👨‍🏫Google Classroom - How to add a Student

Creation date: 10/21/2021 9:56 AM    Updated: 6/7/2022 12:31 PM   google classroom how to add a student

This guide is meant to help teachers on how to add a student to a Google Classroom.


To add students to your Google Classroom, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to Google Classroom (Available in the YES Websites Bookmarks Folder in Chrome)
  2. Select your Classroom
  3. Select People
  4. Scroll down to Students
  5. Select the Person+ Icon near the right side of that webpage. It looks like this

  6. You can find the name of the student by either typing their email address or name. 
  7. Click Invite once you've typed the address(es)
  8. Once you send that invitation, it is the student's responsibility to login to their Gmail using their Google Account, and have the student accept the email invitation
  9. Once that is completed, your student is in the class. You can also see the status of the invited/accepted students on that "Students" Section on the People Tab in Google Classroom.
