📊Reporting - CAASPP Math & ELA School Comparison Charts report.

Creation date: 2/7/2022 9:21 AM    Updated: 8/22/2022 7:17 PM   caaspp caaspp school reports reports school reports

This guide is for how to generate a report for ELA & Math for CAASPP with charts and comparisons of other schools.


1. Visit https://caaspp-elpac.cde.ca.gov/caaspp/
2. Select ELA & Math Smarter Balanced Summative Assesments

3. Select "Search / Compare Results" at the top of the page

4. At the bottom of the next page, you can search for schools to compare. Up to 4 Schools MAX can be compared.

5. Once redirected to the home page after selecting your school, click "Add to Compare".

6. For each school you want to add, you will have to do steps 4 & 5 again until you meet the max for school reporting.

7. Once you are ready with your selections, click "Compare Now"

8. On this page you will see ELA and Math Scores for the selected schools.
You will have to click the Black Triangle/Carrot at the bottom of the page for Mathematics scores to expand so you can view them.

9. After you have done this, you can print the page by doing "CTRL+P" or Navigating to your Browser's Print functionality.

10. Thus, your report has been generated for school comparisons

Article Author: Timothy Stewart
