💻 Student Computer Use/Storage Guidelines

Creation date: 3/24/2022 3:01 PM    Updated: 7/26/2023 6:52 AM   chromebook guidelines storage guidelines acceptable use policy student computer

Acceptable Use Policy for School Devices

1. Device Usage

   a. Students should only use the device assigned to them and should not lend, trade, or borrow devices.

   b. If a student encounters any issues with their assigned device (such as it being missing or broken), they should inform a teacher or staff member and request a replacement device.

2. Device Storage

   a. School devices should be kept at school in a location specified by a teacher or staff member.

   b. If a student requires a device for use at home, loaner devices may be available for this purpose.

3. Device Maintenance and Responsibility

   a. Students have a responsibility to keep their assigned device functional and in good condition.

   b. In the event of damage to a device, families may be invoiced for the cost of repairs in the following cases: 

         1. It is determined that the device was damaged intentionally or due to obvious negligence. Examples of intentional damage include pulling keys off the keyboard, hitting or throwing the device, or deliberately mishandling a bag or backpack while the device is inside. 

         2. The student's device has had more than one significant repair during the school year. Examples of significant repairs include broken screens, a broken case or hinge, water damage, or damage to damage to any internal component that requires disassembly and replacement.

   c. Any attempt to bypass account restrictions, install unapproved software, or modify the device in any way that requires intervention may be considered intentional damage.

   d. Damage should be reported as soon as possible after it occurs, any unreported damage discovered after the fact will be considered intentional.

   e. An invoice for the cost of the device may be sent in the case that the device goes missing.

4. Personal Devices

   a. Personal devices may only be used at school with permission from a faculty member under the condition that the student assumes full responsibility for any incidents, including accidental damage or theft.

   b. Teachers or staff members may revoke the privilege of using a personal device at any time.

5. Monitoring and Recording

   a. Communications and browsing history on school-issued devices and accounts may be monitored and recorded by teachers and authorized staff members for the purpose of ensuring appropriate and safe use of technology resources.

By enrolling at YES Charter Academy, students and families agree to adhere to this Acceptable Use Policy and acknowledge their shared responsibility in maintaining the assigned devices, understand the potential consequences for intentional damage or misuse, and recognize the monitoring and recording practices implemented by the school.