🍏iOS - Why Won't my Phone get my Emails?

Creation date: 10/5/2021 12:45 PM    Updated: 6/7/2022 12:12 PM   apple email email gmail ios

 This Guide can help with Apple devices if your phone email app is not receiving your latest inbox emails. You're password may have recently changed to affect this. If you would like to view the Android Version of this, please view the "đŸ¤–Android - Why Won't my Phone get my Emails?"


If your phone is not getting emails from another company such as Yahoo, Apple or even Microsoft, re-entering the password for those accounts will, most likely, also fix that problem.

To re-enter your credentials for your Google account on iPhone, iPad, or other iOS devices, follow this video. {Steps are below}
  1. Open settings app
  2.  Scroll down to "Accounts & Passwords"
  3. Click the Gmail Account
  4.  Click "Re-ener Password"
  5. Enter your Google Account information
  6. Exit the settings app and check your Gmail/Email Application to see if you can refresh the email inbox
  7. To refresh, swipe your finger from the top of the phone screen to the bottom.
That should fix your problem.
If you have any trouble, please send a ticket to helpdesk@yescharteracademy.org or contact IT by Using Google Chat, a mobile application.

Article Author: Timothy Stewart

Phone problems with calling or broken Equipment/Upgrade requests