💻Windows 10 - How to login to a Windows Device

This Guide will show you how to login to a Windows 10/11 Device in our organization if you are a staff member. Below are set instructions that may be subject to change without notice. For now this is proper YES Charter IT Procedure


Steps to Login
1. Receive a Laptop assigned to you by an IT Department Staff Member

2. Press the Power button to turn on the laptop

3. Upon loading the login screen (nice picture with time and date) press the space bar to bring up the login options

4. In the bottom left locate the big "G" Icon that says "Add work account" 

5. Click the arrow pointing right next to the words that says "sign in with your work account"

6. A white window should pop up from Google that prompts you to sign in using your @yescharteracademy.org email address. Follow the rest of the prompts and it will log you in. 

Note: If you do not respond in a timely manner to the requests, the screen will dissapear and you will have to restart the steps from step 3

7. After logging in, it will load your profile for you as well as other software and tools you need

8. Load Google Chrome to load a prompt that will ask you to agree to logging in and account linking. Select YES

9. It will also pop-up another prompt that will ask you for account syncing. Select YES

NOTE: If you log off or lock your computer, to sign back in, just use your google account password and select your profile

10. You will be logged into the Google Chrome Browser and it will automatically sync and pull all your history, bookmarks, and extensions to the Google Chrome Browser

11. Login to the password manager, if you have one set up, in the top right of your browser where the jigsaw puzzle piece is.

Note: If you do not know your password or need more help. Send a ticket to helpdesk@yescharteracademy.org

Author: Timothy Stewart

Creation date: 5/9/2022 11:25 AM      Updated: 12/8/2022 9:19 AM
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