💻 Staff Computer Use/Storage Guidelines

Creation date: 6/28/2022 10:29 AM    Updated: 12/28/2022 10:00 AM   device terms staff computer use staff rules staff use terms and conditions


Safe and proper storage of Staff Computer equipment.

1. If a computer is left unattended, make sure you lock the device by pressing the +L Keyboard Key Shortcut or log out of your user account to prevent malicious activities.

2. Staff must remind other staff of unsecure practices or misuse of a machine not only to protect each other in the cyber
world, but to protect the school from outside malicious threats.

3. Staff computers should be left in the classroom in a chromebook cart locked or in a secure location in the classroom like a drawer with a lock.

4. If a Staff machine is physically broken in any way shape or form, it is the duty of the staff member with the broken device to inform the YES IT Department as soon as possible to help fix the problem and attempt a repair or replacement as well as to document the history. The best way is by email to helpdesk@yescharteracademy.org 

5. Bringing your own devices to campus that have work related applications and emails logged into on the device are managed by the YES Charter Academy Organization and can be removed or revoked at anytime with or without warning for the safety of the end-user. If the staff member prefers to utilize a work phone 


If a student, staff member, or public guest is seen misusing our network, or devices, they will have their work computer taken away from the student for X Number of days based on the severity of the damage the individual has caused. Or if the guest has a personal device, the MAC Address will be banned for X hours from the network.

IT cannot provide alternative methods other than restricting computer use to the max severity of suspending an account.

It is up to the teachers to implement a policy in their classroom based on their curriculum as far as what should be deemed “improper use” of the IT equipment or network.

View Device Terms of Use from YES IT

View Network Terms of Use from YES IT


Author: Timothy Stewart